“Early-career” is, from whichever angle you look at it, a transitory phase in one’s academic life. It’s not even a phase we are very keen on staying in for more than we have to. After all, don’t we all work very hard to be considered early-career as short as possible?
Month: May 2019
Searching for an ideal university? “Keep, drop, create”

We often criticise universities, but do we ever pause to think what an ideal one would look like? Earlier this month we had a rare opportunity as doctoral students to participate in a “search conference” together with around 30 other higher education scholars. […]
Frames of translation: reflections from a conference trip to China

Avos, sometimes called a Russian shibboleth, is a tricky concept to translate into English, but it refers to underestimating the obstacles and overestimating your abilities since, in the end, the situation is never fully under your control. […]
Academic work, digital infrastructures, and the rise of the “bibliometric self”

The use of data instruments in performance measurement is all the rage. It seems that the continuous improvement in technology and its increasing availability has fundamentally transformed the way we think of performance-based governance mechanisms. […]