Germany’s academic system is admired all over the world. It is almost entirely publicly funded, while studying at most of its higher education institutions is free of charge. However, the working conditions […]
working in academia
Things university career advisers are not telling you

The market for university sector career advisers seems to be on the rise. This trend suggests that the activities such as searching for a field of study, choosing a PhD program or pursuing a successful post-doc career have become more complex. […]
Becoming an Academic: 4 reasons why you should read Inger Mewburn’s new book

If you’ve ever been discouraged by the somewhat challenging prospects of getting an academic job (I mean the real, permanent one) after getting your PhD, you may want to de-stress yourself with Inger Mewburn’s new book Becoming an Academic: How to get through Grad School and Beyond. […]
Staying in academia: navigating the academic career system in Germany

You have (almost) completed your PhD and you are starting to plan your future career steps. Maybe you gave the post-doctoral phase some thought even before you started it. Maybe not. For most of us, at the time when we embark on our PhDs […]
Keeping track of your transferable skills – How and why?

After graduating with a master’s degree in the English language almost seven years ago, I landed a temporary job as a research secretary. My recent internship had gone well, so my previous supervisor recommended me to my new supervisor, who in turn […]