While in lab-based disciplines co-authorship is the norm, there are “individual(istic)” disciplines where it is sometimes still frowned upon. In general, co-authorship is not bad per se, and there is nothing negative in being the 4th or even the 99th author, especially if we are talking about a highly cited paper.
academic community
Searching for an ideal university? “Keep, drop, create”

We often criticise universities, but do we ever pause to think what an ideal one would look like? Earlier this month we had a rare opportunity as doctoral students to participate in a “search conference” together with around 30 other higher education scholars. […]
Networking or “networking”? SRHE from an early-career researcher’s perspective

SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education is an annual event, organised in Newport, South Wales every December. Before the main conference, which takes place from Wednesday to Friday, there is a Newer and Early Career Researchers Conference […]