Anyone would agree that choosing the right topic for a doctorate is important. We all want to do something that matters, right? So we may fantasize about the thrill, writing all-nighters, and talking […]
From writing articles to editing someone else’s: journal editorial work from an early-career researcher’s perspective

Two weeks ago, on November 1st, I experienced a new kind of pride that I hadn’t felt before during my doctoral studies. The first issue of a new higher education journal, Journal of Praxis in Higher Education (JPHE) […]
Thinking strategically: what can co-authorship bring to your academic career?

While in lab-based disciplines co-authorship is the norm, there are “individual(istic)” disciplines where it is sometimes still frowned upon. In general, co-authorship is not bad per se, and there is nothing negative in being the 4th or even the 99th author, especially if we are talking about a highly cited paper.
Call for Participants: ECHER Academic Writing Clinic

Many early-career scholars face challenges with academic writing. Native English speakers or not, most of us spend a considerable amount of time trying to lay down our thoughts in a coherent and meaningful way, repeatedly rewriting and […]
Academic writing as conversation: one important step towards a published paper

Experienced scholars describe writing as joining conversations within a particular field of interest (Patriotta 2017). Having analyzed his experience of editing the Journal of Management Studies […]