A bibliography of works on the subject of theorizing in social sciences.
Author: ECHER
Academic writing: resources

On this page we provide a list of resources of potential use for improving your writing and research skills.
Higher Education Research Societies

The post contains a continuously updated list of higher education research societies around the world, national and international. The list is occasionally updated.
DPER 25-year anniversary series – Kick-off panel “Higher Education Research”

This is the kick-off panel in the webinar series to celebrate 25 years of Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education (DPER). It will be followed by three webinars. 2 September 2020, 2:00pm to 3:00pm UK time. Free.
Summer School: “How to Make Theory Work in Higher Education Research and Science Studies”

How do you do theory? While the craft of methods and empirical work more generally is often made explicit in higher education research and science studies, theory work usually remains implicit. […]
CHER 2020 Call for Proposals: Engaged Universities

The 33rd Annual CHER Conference will be jointly organised by the University of Rijeka and NUI Galway, with their home cities both being European Capitals of Culture 2020. It will take place in Rijeka/Opatija, on September 2-4, 2020. […]
Doing research, writing, and publishing: ECHER’s resources

Recently we introduced a new page on our website – resources. It is meant as a permanent and easy-to-access corner on this website, something you can always find by looking at the top of your browser, right under the address bar. We will be using this page to list various resources which could be helpful […]
Call for Papers: The 6th Summer School on Higher Education 2019 – Methods and approaches in higher education research

Welcome to the sixth Summer School on Higher Education. This year’s theme “methods and approaches in higher education research” addresses the new directions and dilemmas related to methods […]
Call for Participants: ECHER Academic Writing Clinic

Many early-career scholars face challenges with academic writing. Native English speakers or not, most of us spend a considerable amount of time trying to lay down our thoughts in a coherent and meaningful way, repeatedly rewriting and […]
Call for Proposals: 32nd Annual CHER Conference

The 32nd annual CHER-Conference will take place from 28 August to 30 August, 2019 at the University of Kassel and will be organized by the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel in Germany. The theme of this year’s conference is “Theories and Methods in Higher Education Research”.